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SHKS in the spotlight

Public engagement is one of the core missions of SHKS. We believe the advancement of the field requires efforts not only in acamedia but also in the public sphere, in which the studies of Hong Kong studies can have meaningful contributions. Our members regularly appear in the media for interviews, commentaries and other forms of encouragements.

IIAS The Newsletter 94 Spring 2023

The Newsletter is published by IIAS 3 times a year, and distributed in both electronic and paper formats. Society for Hong Kong Studies is featured in the latest IIAS Newsletter (page 44-45) as one of the key partners of the ICAS Book Prize 2023 Best Article Prize on Global Hong Kong Studies.

Local Journalism

Holding cross-border discussions in social sciences, from different research perspectives, discussing sociology, economics, psychology, journalism, and political philosophy, to find the thread and deconstruct social phenomena.

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