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Hitch a Ride on Water series

The Society for Hong Kong Studies is delighted to announce that a new event series “Hitch a Ride on Water: Frank Fischbeck Collection” will be held in February – March 2023 co-organised by WMA and the Society for Hong Kong Studies.
This event series is an extension of WMA Frank Fischbeck Collection exhibition which is taking place from Feb 17 – Mar 31, 2023 at WMA Space.
The public event series consists of one ferry tour and two separate seminar sessions.
#3 Talk
日期&時間: 30 March 2023, 18:30 – 20:00 HKT
地點: 中環永和街23-29號俊和商業中心8樓
語言: 廣東話
是次講座透過從議題研究與倡議經驗出發,探索本土海洋議題研究與其他 (如土地議題研究) 的特性,期望凝聚不同關注本地海洋研究的朋友,開啟討論當今海洋相關以至香港議題研究面對的現況與可能。
講者:本土研究社成員 陳劍青
// 地理學與城市研究專業、關注都市規劃,與及香港各種空間問題,無時無刻不在思考透過研究推進城市進步議程,具與趣發挖各種事物可研究的潛能,不時飄流在各大院校兼任講師。第一次上電視做訪問說過:「地理,就是地方的道理」。
#1 Ferry tour
Title: A Ride on Our Harbour 「順維港而行」
Date & Time: 10 March 2023, 16:30 – 19:00 HK time
Location: Central Ferry Pier 中環碼頭
Language: Cantonese
Dr. Sampson Wong 黃宇軒, the author of “Hong Kong Walking Studies” and urban researcher
About the ferry tour:
WMA與香港學會將聯合主辦「順維港而行」。是次海上之旅將提供一個最直接且第一身的角度,讓參加者在渡輪上感受維港與城市的流動、認識維港被忽略的部分。從陸地移師海上,《香港散步學》作者、城市研究者黃宇軒 Sampson Wong 亦將分享如何以水域的角度考察城市,以及填海與城市扣連的各種記憶。
The exhibition ‘Hitch a Ride on Water’ takes the definition of an island as an entry point, and examines how the water establishes the trade activities and thus the developments of an island. How Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour came to define the city since its opening as a port city? What is the significance of the Victoria Harbour to this city and the people here?
Co-organised by WMA and the Society for Hong Kong Studies, the ferry tour ‘A Ride on Our Harbour’ aims to provide the most direct and first-hand experience to feel the pulse of the City and to understand the often neglected parts of the Harbour. ‘Walking’ from the streets to the sea, the author of “Hong Kong Walking Studies” and urban researcher Sampson Wong will also share his ways to observe the city from the perspective of water, and the various collective associated with different phases of reclamations.
The ferry will depart from the Central Pier, sail to the west of Victoria Harbour, cross the Stonecutters’ Bridge and bypass Tsing Yi for the return journey, which lasts for 2 hours. We look forward to exploring this city by hitching a ride on water with you.
#2 Seminar
Title: Archives: Responsibility, Accountability, Provenance
Date & Time: 17 March 2023, 18:30 – 20:00 HK time
Format: hybrid
In person at WYNG Space (16/F, Chun Wo Commercial Centre, No. 23-29 Wing Wo Street, Central, Hong Kong) + Zoom online
Garfield Lam, University Archivist and Head of Archives, Special Collections and Preservation and Conservation, The University of Hong Kong
- Speakers
- 本土研究社成員 陳劍青
- Date & Time
- 30 March 2023, 18:30-20:00 HK time
- Location
- 中環永和街23-29號俊和商業中心8樓
- Language
- Cantonese